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Тексты песен на английском, аккорды, табулатуры, гитара, Texts of songs, the song text, chords, notes » S » Survivor
Broken Promises - текст песни

Broken Promises

Summer and smoke, diamonds and dust
Go where you will, do what you must
The promise was made, your word was enough
We had dreams, visions and plans
Into the night, out of our hands
Letting our passion fulfill our demands
I remember those songs on the radio
The jasmine, the wind in your hair
Does it seem like so long ago?

*Broken promises
Is it written in stone that we wind up alone
Wo oh, broken promises
And a heart that recalls
When the promise was all that we had*

Into the dust, reckless we rode
Secret desire, talking in code
Bittersweet madness, the stories unfold
I remember those songs on the radio
The jasmine, the wind in your hair
And how it hurts to remember those

( * Repeat)

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