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Тексты песен на английском, аккорды, табулатуры, гитара, Texts of songs, the song text, chords, notes » S » Step Kings
Vibe - текст песни


Never want to kick a main vein in the man
So we pack it in the van take all day to drive
Hangin' in the city is fine but I mind
Midwest homestyle I miss you now and then
All feet down at once just makes me shaky earth
Up and down the bodies fly when things are right
Take a punch right to the eye don't stand around
Just take a look around you man,unity has it's own vibe

Unity has it's own vibe

Can't afford a meal but it feels all right
When we're throwin down a fresher vibe than heard before
Our road is rough but still we try to keep on-line
No one ever said, "Hey kid, this is easy"
But all we ever want to make a point to get across
Is that we're all too stubborn in all of our differences
To love a human being for what they are not what they get
Just take a look around you man, unity has it's own vibe

Unity has it's own vibe
Unity has it's own vibe

Yeah, we're stomping won't be stompin' 'til the job is done
Feel the need to super-bleed and throw something around
Something's shakin' could be breaking hard for me to say
So come along, we're going to break away

Unity has it's own vibe
Unity has it's own vibe
Unity has it's own vibe
Unity has it's own vibe

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