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Тексты песен на английском, аккорды, табулатуры, гитара, Texts of songs, the song text, chords, notes » S » Shinedown
Burning Bright - текст песни

Burning Bright

I feel like there is no need for conversation

Some questions are better left without a reason

And I would rather reveal myself than my situation

Now and then I consider, my hesitation

The more the light shines through me

I pretend to close my eyes

The more the dark consumes me

I pretend I'm burning, burning bright

I wonder if the things I did were just to be different

To spare myself of the constant shame of my existence

And I would surely redeem myself in my desperation

Here and now I'll express, my situation

There's nothing ever wrong but nothing's ever right

Such a cruel contradiction

I know I cross the lines its not easy to define

I'm born to indecision

There's always something new some path I'm supposed to choose

With no particular rhyme or reason

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