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Тексты песен на английском, аккорды, табулатуры, гитара, Texts of songs, the song text, chords, notes » E » Embrace
Sainted - текст песни


I've always been whole-hearted
But it would take a saint to understand
And so they had me martyred so I'd find out
The sky explodes above us
And I know there's no other one but you
I know I only touched the surface but I found out

And I won't leave before an army makes me run
Big fish eat the little ones
You and me we're sainted
Don't let them break your soul

The chemicals have started
They stop me finding anybody new
Why was I your target, do I stand out?
The stars were shining for us
And I know there's no-one above but you
I'm rolling with the punches, I won't lie down

And I won't leave before an army makes me run
Big fish eat the little ones
You and me we're sainted
Don't let them break your soul

Roll the dice, cause nothing's ever sure in life
Even though the stakes are high, we're already sainted
But You're the first, I know it cause I'm fit to burst
I know it cause my halo hurts, I feel like I've been sainted

And I won't leave before an army makes me run,
Big fish eat the little ones,
You and me we're sainted,
Don't let them break your soul

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