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Тексты песен на английском, аккорды, табулатуры, гитара, Texts of songs, the song text, chords, notes » E » Embrace
Happiness Will Get You In The End - текст песни

Happiness Will Get You In The End

I'd kill anything that flaps around your head darling

We had so much I don't know where it went

God can strike me down if I'm wrong I'll repent saying

That happiness will get you in the end darling

Some psychic gave me words I've come to dread she said

That happiness would come to you again oh yeah

Your fall will break your splashing heart can mend knowing

That happiness will get you in the end

And my mind is like a maze

And I know the way all around that maze

With you next to me

But I can't find my way out with you around please stay

Those tear stained letters you returned unread saying

That happiness has come to you again oh yes

And all good things must reach their rotten end darling

But happiness will get you in the end

Oh happiness will get you in the end

Oh happiness will get you in the end darling

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