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Тексты песен на английском, аккорды, табулатуры, гитара, Texts of songs, the song text, chords, notes » E » Einherjer
Storms Of The Elder - текст песни

Storms Of The Elder

Awaken thou one eyed God

Rise again from the slumber!

Give us a touch of the elder strenght

Flowing in your veins

And give us again the courage to crush

The embers of the faded ones

A lightning ripped the sky

The signs of ancient beliefs enlighten

The inner chambers

Of forbidden knowledge

Oh, rise the storm of elder

Let again Gungnir fly

Into the chests of Giants,

And release again thte power

Of your eight-leggend horse

Ride again in front of the Oskorei

And lead fear into hearts of men

Enlighten the path for those of the elder spirit

And quide them into glory

We entered a long gone and forgotten valley

It's habitants flames of lie long gone

Ceased by a dark and ancient plague

In the heart of this forbitten place

We awakened the spirit of the past

And we entered the dawn

Of the slumbering one

Odin opened his eye

And looked out into the world

He lifted his arms to the sky

And called for he other gods

And commanded them to awaken

From their ages of slumber

Again their rose from the ground

For there where still embers

Of the lost faith of them

In the halls of Valhalla

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